A Big Bed for Jed
A Little Birdie Told Me
Along Came Callie
Arriba de un árbol (Up a Tree)
Arriba de un árbol (Up a Tree) Bilingual Eng/Spa
A Superhero Like ME
Breezy the Blue Iguana
Cows in the House
De pesca en el Lago Encantado (Fishing in Magic Lake)
De pesca en el Lago Encantado (Fishing in Magic Lake) Bilingual Eng/Spa
Des vaches dans la maison (Cows in the House)
Des vaches dans la maison (Cows in the House) Bilingual Eng/Fre
Do NOT Hire a Dinosaur Babysitter
El rayo de sol (Sunshine Picture Books) (6 titles)
El rayo de sol (Sunshine Picture Books) Bilingual Eng/Spa (2 titles)
El rayo de sol (Sunshine Picture Books) Bilingual Eng/Spa (3 titles)
Endangered Animal Tales (4 titles)
Ensoleillement (Sunshine Picture Books) Bilingual Eng/Fre (2 titles)
Fairy Godmother in Training
Fairy vs. Elf
Fishing in Magic Lake
I Don't Have a Favorite Color
If You Had Three Wishes
Imagine That!