You may know where honey comes from, but did you know that bees' wings beat more than 200 times a second, that a queen bee can lay more than 2000 eggs a day, and that the ancient Egyptians… More →
2492 records found. Displaying 169 - 180.
Early readers are introduced to cows and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Early readers are introduced to cows and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
This entertaining book takes the "problem" out of understanding beginner word problems. Readers will learn how to develop a step-by-step plan or strategy to solve basic word problems. This… More →
This book introduces early readers to the directions behind and in front. Simple text and vibrant images help engage children and grow a love of reading! More →
Being Safe is the perfect way to introduce important concepts and new vocabulary to young readers. Open-ended questions are posed, encouraging discussion and inspiring children to think about More →
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." His empowering words are the motivation behind the inspiring Be the Change! series. Thoughtfully written text and… More →
Caring for Earth is everyone's job! Readers will discover some of the different ways they can have a positive impact on the environment. From planting trees and eating locally grown foods, to More →
In this innovative title, young readers learn what it means to be a citizen of the global community. From water wells in Africa to global disaster relief, children will learn about different… More →
This empowering title will help readers discover that they have the ability to create positive changes in their communities. Inviting text and relatable examples prompt children to learn what More →
Children spend a lot of time at school - why not encourage them to find ways to make it the best it can be! This motivating title inspires readers to brainstorm different ways they can use… More →
Young readers will race to get their hands on this entertaining new book! Bicycles: Pedal Power looks at different kinds of bikes used for transportation, work, and fun. Readers will learn… More →