Early readers will be introduced to bunnies through simple text and vibrant images to aid comprehension. Learn all about these lovable pets. List of Sight Words. Includes a support page of… More →
2492 records found. Displaying 229 - 240.
Learn about some fascinating insects you might find in your own yard: butterflies! Simple text and vibrant illustrations will captivate early readers and aid comprehension. List of Sight… More →
The colors and patterns of butterfly and moth wings provide camouflage and can frighten enemies. This is just one of the topics covered in this carefully researched and beautifully designed… More →
Honeybees gather nectar to make honey. As they travel from plant to plant, they transfer pollen that apples, broccoli, and other foods need to grow. Learn how people can help honeybees do… More →
When Little Red Riding Horse sets out to bring her grandmother a basket full of treats, a hungry wolf takes notice and decides to cause trouble! A whimsical farmyard retelling of the classic… More →
Early readers are introduced to horses and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Early readers are introduced to horses and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Early readers are introduced to goats and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Early readers are introduced to goats and life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Calendar Math provides an ideal introduction to measuring time. From the days of the week to months of the year, readers will learn the different ways a calendar measures time. Vivid… More →
This book makes learning about the concept of opposites fun, as readers discover recognizable examples of objects that are hot and cold! Using colorful photographs that connect to simple… More →