Grammy winner CeCe Winans's inspiring song about diversity, adapted as a beautifully illustrated book. The lyrics celebrate differences and urge all children to be proud to be themselves. The More →
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The world is filled with many colors. Pictures of objects with matching words build vocabulary and color recognition skills. More →
Each year on October 12th, millions of people in the United States celebrate Columbus Day. Celebrations include parades, songs, and special foods. The history of this celebration will engage… More →
The way we communicate with others is continuously changing as technology evolves. From telephone operators to Skype, this book examines how and why communication has progressed since the… More →
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge for our communities. We have all relied on community helpers to help us keep safe and have our needs met. The jobs they do have always been… More →
Let's meet people who make our communities a more pleasant place to live. Colorful photos show workers performing their tasks which helps put their roles into a context children will… More →
Once upon a time, doctors made house calls, fire trucks were pulled by horses, and the milkman delivered fresh milk right to peoples' doors. In this innovative title, students will love… More →
Read about the ways painters, musicians, and dancers are able to tell stories in art and make the viewer feel a certain way. More →
Different problems need different solutions, but engineers follow the same steps to solve them. Discover the path engineers take to find new solutions or improve old ones. More →
Young readers will love learning how different plants and animals move. Sunflowers turn their heads to face sunlight, some plants close their flowers at night, and others move their heads to… More →
Nature is full of things with surfaces and coverings that we can see and touch. How does a snake's skin feel? How is it different from the bark of a tree? This engaging new book features… More →
This engaging title builds on the material covered in the Fractions title in this series. Readers will develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. Easy-to-follow text and supportive… More →