Becoming a pilot would BEE the bee's knees! Learn all about what a pilot does alongside a curious bee. Easy-to-read sentences and colorful illustrations help early readers practice their… More →
2492 records found. Displaying 25 - 36.
A little bird at the zoo knows all the gossip when it comes to the other zoo animals, but are all the rumors really true? Downloadable Teacher Notes available. More →
Six titles have been added to this entertaining series that introduces readers to the physical and behavioral characteristics of different animals. Delightful images and engaging text help… More →
Early readers will be introduced to alligators through simple text and vibrant images to aid comprehension. Learn all about the amazing alligators of Asia. List of Sight Words. Includes a… More →
Big brother Liam isn't happy when baby Callie is born. She's loud, stinky, and gets lots of attention. But it doesn't take long for Liam to discover that there are things to love about his… More →
Early readers are introduced to the color yellow. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures. More →
Find out about different animals and how their babies grow from caterpillars to butterflies, from joeys to kangaroos, and from cubs to lions. More →
This engaging series of illustrated atlases for children includes maps with appealing pictographs of the unique features of different places. Simple text highlights the physical features,… More →
Each book in this series focuses on a classic zoo animal that children will immediately recognize. Using engaging and colorful photographs, simple text to build confidence, and exciting sight More →
Each book in this series focuses on a classic zoo animal that children will immediately recognize. Using engaging and colorful photographs, simple text to build confidence, and exciting sight More →
This series introduces early readers to animals life on farms. Using simple sentences and engaging pictures. More →