Life Science

1074 records found. Displaying 169 - 180.

Ciclos de Vida (The Life Cycle)

Children will love these easy-to-read books and be amazed by the sometimes complicated life cycles of animals! Created by Bobbie Kalman, this beautiful set of books takes young readers… More →


Circulatory System

How does your blood move through your body? Why do you need blood to live? Find out in this fascinating book about the Circulatory System. The book also includes a page for caregivers and… More →


Classifying Animals

Do you wonder about all of Earth's living things? Do you know the difference between a mammal and an amphibian? In this book, learn how scientists classify animals into groups based on the… More →


Cleaning Chemistry

This fascinating book explains the chemistry of cleaning agents, from dish detergents to window wash. Readers will learn how good chemistry and science comes from experimentation and careful… More →



Read about the venomous cobra and how it strikes its prey quickly and swallows it whole. Amazing photos and simple text make this book a great high-interest read. More →


Comment fonctionne la météo (How Weather Works)

A great introduction to weather terms and their meanings. Kids learn how weather changes day to day, and how it affects what we wear and what we do outside. More →


¿Cómo se mueve? (How does it move?)

Young readers will love learning how different plants and animals move. Sunflowers turn their heads to face sunlight, some plants close their flowers at night, and others move their heads to… More →


¿Cómo se siente al tocarlo? (How Does it Feel?)

Nature is full of things with surfaces and coverings that we can see and touch. How does a snake's skin feel? How is it different from the bark of a tree? This engaging new book features… More →
