Life Science

1074 records found. Displaying 1009 - 1020.

What is symmetry in nature?

Mathematicians say that symmetry has to be identical parts, but nature is never truly identical. However, it is far more interesting than geometric shapes! Reading this book, children will… More →


What is taste?

Taste buds on our tongue let us taste foods that are salty, sweet, sour, or bitter. This vibrant title explores the sense of taste - from how our taste buds work to the different types of… More →


What is the Animal Kingdom?

Few books explain the scientific classification of animals as well as What is the Animal Kingdom? All creatures, including insects, mammals, and fish, are classified and described from simple More →


What Is the Theory of Evolution?

Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolutionary biology. This engaging title examines how Darwin developed his controversial theory of evolution, including his research methods and the… More →


What Is the Theory of Plate Tectonics?

In 1912, German meteorologist Alfred Wegener published his groundbreaking theory of continental displacement. His theory proposed that the continents were once a single land mass but had… More →


What is touch?

Is it smooth or rough? Is it hot or cold? Is it sharp or dull? Our sense of touch helps us learn about the things around us. This engaging title uses captivating images and accessible text to More →


What Kind of Animal is it?

What Kind of Animal is it? is a series designed by Bobbie Kalman to introduce young readers to the world of animals. The simple text, clear illustrations, and colorful pictures teach children More →


What kind of living thing is it?

There are billions of living things on Earth. Living things are alike in many ways, but they are also very different. This intriguing book asks children to look at similar characteristics and More →


What kinds of coverings do animals have?

This fun title asks readers to think about how different body coverings protect animals by keeping them warm and safe. From fur and feathers to scales and shells, readers get a close-up look… More →


What lives in the dirt?

Everybody loves beautiful bees and butterflies, but what about kids who prefer the creatures that live down in the dirt? This series is ideal for introducing children to facts about what… More →


What Makes It Move?

Did you know that an object can only move if a force is placed on it? Read about pushing and pulling - the forces that make objects move - and what happens when you change the strength or… More →
