Physical Science

137 records found. Displaying 73 - 84.

Let's Investigate Light

What is light and how does it help us to see? What is reflection? How does light form shadows? Find out the answers to these questions and much more. More →


Let's Investigate Magnets

What is a magnet? Why are some materials magnetic? How does a compass work? Find out the answers to these questions and much more. More →


Let's Investigate Materials

What are materials? What are the properties of a material and how do these vary? What is the difference between natural and human-made materials? Find out the answers to these questions and much more. More →


Let's Investigate Solids

What are solids? How are they different from liquids and gases? How can they be changed? Find out the answers to these questions and much more. More →


Light: Energy We Can See!

Learn about light in this easy-to-read book. Simple text, colorful photos, and diagrams explain how light comes from a source, how it moves, and what is happening when you see reflection or… More →


Light! It Helps Us See

This low-level book describes what light is and how objects can only be seen with light shining on them or from them. Simple explanations describe which materials light can shine through,… More →


Los cinco sentidos (Our Five Senses)

Detailed illustrations and colorful photos show kids how our five senses help us explore and enjoy the world around us. More →



The perfect, low-level book for introducing magnets and how they work. Kids will be able to identify many magnetic objects after reading this book, as well as what materials are NOT magnetic. More →


Matter Words

This book builds beginning vocabulary about the science of matter. Extremely helpful for elementary science preparation, eight words combine with a visual depiction so readers can see what… More →
