This appealing art book inspires children to unleash their creativity as they learn how to use a variety of tools, media, and processes to create original works in 3-D. Mini-bio sections… More →
Grade 7 - 9
1232 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.
Aaron Judge is the team captain for the New York Yankees. Do you think he can break his own home run record? Read more about him and then decide! Also includes a page for caregivers and… More →
Collaboration skills, or the ability to effectively work with people, are in high demand in today's connected world. The ability to work with diverse individuals across diverse platforms in… More →
Technology has given us new ways to connect and converse with others like never before. In fact, by the time you finish reading this sentence more than 193,000 text messages will have been… More →
Creativity and innovation are central to success in the 21st century. This dynamic title provides a comprehensive look at creative processes in a variety of settings. Readers are introduced… More →
This innovative title explores the ways that critical thinking can be applied to problem solving in school, work, and social settings. Real-world examples and opportunities for hands-on… More →
Brief and inspiring, the Gettysburg Address is one of the best-known and most revered speeches in American history. Given on the battlefield at Gettysburg by US President Abraham Lincoln, the More →
Although he steadfastly refused to be labeled an "abolitionist," Abraham Lincoln was a hero to the abolitionist cause. The emancipation of the slaves in 1863 was strategic to the president's… More →
This series tells the stories of important social reforms brought about in history by activism, and which are still of concern today. Each book takes a revealing new approach to social… More →
This series explores the five accepted kingdoms that make up the living world - animals, plants, fungi, protista, and bacteria - and one kingdom currently proposed by scientists: other… More →
Young people all over the world are doing it. Whether through anti-racism protests, taking part in model governments, or joining global climate strikes, youth are strengthening democracy by… More →
Aerospace engineers work with different kinds of aircraft - from gliders to space shuttles. This book introduces readers to this profession. Readers learn how engineers use the principles of… More →